Poseidon “Belly Button” Zizmor
Born on 42069, SPAC PIPE crypto leveraged options investor


My approach is simple: Borrow 20x ur net worth, GME, BTC, AMC, naked calls. Enjoy trillionaire status

Started Shlinkin' Sep. 6, 2021
Career Progression: ☕ Unpaid Intern
+ Review

Trophy Case

    Nothing yet. 😔

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    🏆 Profile of the Week
    🐾 Corporate Watchdog
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    🏦 Bain Capital Key Asset Runner Up
    👹 Exorcism† Course Certificate
    🥜 JIF Peanut Butter Creamy Runner Up
    💰 The Diet Koch Award for Largest Net Worth
    🍺 Bud Light Platinum Refreshing Runner Up
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    🍾 10,000th ShlinkedIn Post
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+ Endorse

Took company private at 420.69 a share!

Selfie King

soft belly button, v nice

Virgin vibes

Smells like virginity