Mårten Rickardsson
reverse financed intern | 1x developer


If you give me a job i will let you beat me unconcious

Started Shlinkin' Apr. 28, 2022
Career Progression: 💰 CEO

Trophy Case


    Bain Capital Key Asset Runner Up

    Jan. 16, 2024


    Networking Goblin

    Jun. 26, 2023


    Participation Trophy

    Jun. 19, 2023


    Participation Trophy

    Aug. 1, 2022


    Networking Virginity

    Jun. 21, 2022


    Hottest Profile

    Jun. 20, 2022

+ Endorse

Fear Mongering

Endorsing under duress.


Apple Pages


Very Popular 😉

Justin Drew Bieber

Uses special “a”

Inferior Number of Legs

Business Junkie

Straight To The Point