For me it was always about value creation.
I wasn't always smart. In school, I flunked math and science. Sometimes it takes a while to discover your talent.
In my case, philosophy - and specifically ludic science - did that for me.
I now make it my goal to help entrepreneurs and businesses discover their true potential.
If you find my ludems inspiring and thought-provoking, please consider signing up for my patreon (patreon.com/ludicmax)!
Make sure you live a VALUEable life y'all.
Career Progression: β Unpaid Intern
Trophy Case
Participation Trophy
Sep. 18, 2023
Participation Trophy
Sep. 12, 2023
Participation Trophy
Sep. 4, 2023
Networking Goblin
Jul. 17, 2023
Networking Virginity
Jul. 14, 2023
+ EndorseInferior Number of Legs
Values my assets