Having been born in a South African slum, followed by a dramatic childhood across the Middle East and North Patagonia, I found myself attending to my ailing great-great-grand-aunt Jemmima in a North Korean prison. This is where I elaborated the plans to creating my enterprise, The Independent Dictatorial Republic of Hohenzwingendellern. This is a virtual dictatorial republic, minting crypto-thalers in the fashion of 1517 miners from East Germany.
Career Progression: ☕ Unpaid Intern
+ Review-
Emanuella brings an aristocratic touch into capitalistic dictatorship. Inspiring!
As a cousin, uncle and good friend... I thoroughly enjoyed your presence at our royal family orgies. My wives were so jealous everytime you gave me the spanky spanky infront of my parents (your half parents and cousins).
Trophy Case
Networking Virginity
Sep. 25, 2022
+ Endorsedictatorial leadership
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self-aggrandising rhetoric
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Very Popular 😉
Block chaining
Inferior Number of Legs