Founded Fish Inc. Currently CEO of all fish.
After a recent acquisition of ground squirrel Inc. I spend half of my time on land. My gills don't work in air so a nearly suffocate most days but you have to adapt and overcome if you want to get ahead in life.
Career Progression: 💵 Paid Intern
+ Review-
HR told me it was against the rules to consume CEOs but Gill happily worked out a compromise and now I get to drink from its tank and have a bit of fish food, as a treat. Gill's negotiation skills blow all other competitors out of the water. In a life or death situation, Gill's your fish.
5 / 5 for being Gills to my Bates
Trophy Case
Networking Goblin
Apr. 24, 2023
Participation Trophy
Apr. 17, 2023
+ EndorseAquatic acrobatics
Commenting on my own posts
Very Popular 😉
Being Fishy
Convinced me not to eat him
Not afraid to swim against the current