Sotomoto Ari Kosoko
Head of software engineering department with outstanding experience in Dota 2 and watching titles
Sotomoto Ari Kosoko was noticed by head of International Business Needless company watching Shaman King anime on cable TV. His outstanding skills were clear for the head and Sotomoto Ari Kosoko became head of a software development team of femboys and neko girls.
Sotomoto Ari Kosoko built nice work atmosphere and ensured 150% increase of submissiveness of team members which resulted in 1000% increased productivity and 50% less amount of bugs per 100 lines of code.
Started Shlinkin'
Aug. 24, 2022
Career Progression: 💰 CEO
Trophy Case
Networking Virginity
Aug. 24, 2022
+ EndorseLikes Maths
Nice Atmosphere
getting the "job" done
Very Popular 😉
Inferior Number of Legs