I can solve the energy crisis, because I know about data science

Data Analytics Is Oil the New Data?

By Taft Stietti

I can solve the energy crisis, because I know about data science

We mined it. We drilled it down. We extracted and refined it. We cleaned it up, connected the pipes, and distributed it to where brands need it most. It was called data. 
But recently, a discovery in the Black Sea has changed all that. Passage through the Dardanelles is sluggish. Central Europe braces for frigid winter months, and pipelines are beggining to freeze over. 
Simply put, you just need some oil. Even some natural gas will do. You need something to burn. 
The oil glurgs and glogs, and all of a sudden it is the new data. It is the most valuable thing in the world, but its passage is too slow and its value too volatile. The Russians and OPEC can still control it more than anyone else in all the ways that matter considering the US is arguably still energy independent insofar as it is militarily independent. 
Luckily, I can solve the energy crisis, because I know about data science (AKA advertising). 
You see, the consumer mindset is a varying and fragmented array of perceptions, moments and experiences, both with brands (organic), and without brands (naive). More and more convincingly, consumers are showing that they prefer the former (Organic Brand Inclusion, or OBI). 
I know that data, and to some extent oil, can be subject to various federal and Californian regulations that change frequently. 
I know that audience engagement peaks nearly tenfold at the potential sweet spot where several bespoke algorithms meet on the graph and compliment human inclusion in their approaches and advanced EQ parameters. 
It is time. It is time for the world of data science/advertising to devote our considerable resources to the world of climate change - IN ADDITION TO helping the world of brand engagement.
Here at Environmental Qualitization (EQ), we evangelize climate equality in the form of non-agnostic climate engagement chains. These are experience-based recognition ledgers that reference out to a nueralink public memechain. It also optimizes for research priority into Phase Sublimation of Solar Magnetic Wind Batteries (PISSMWB) to transfer proto-wavelength through the Aurora Borealis.  
It is clear that oil is on the precipice of becoming the new data. How can brands take advantage? 
Ask an EQ Analyst today.